Several times a year Habitat for Humanity Portland/Metro organization hosts a Women Build event that pairs a day of volunteering at a building site with speakers focusing on a topic related to their mission. This past month I had the opportunity to participate in Women’s Build where we helped put the finishing touches on a community of houses in the Cully neighborhood. This month 15 families will move into these houses and start the new year as home owners! There were two speakers, one was a representative for the Oregon Food Bank and one was a gentleman who had moved, along with his family, into a home built by Habitat for Humanity. He had also been donated a plot of land and the whole family started an urban farm. The farm is a big success and they now sell at farmer’s markets and donate to the Food Bank. The Oregon Food Bank rep discussed the connection between the high price of housing and the need for food subsidies. It was such a wonderful day of learning how to cut & install cement siding. There were some math crisis’ on my part, but there was such great camaraderie it all worked out - #nojudgement! In January Habitat for Humanity Portland/Metro group will be posting the dates for next year’s Women Build events. Spots fill up quickly!!